June 1938: A Superman for the Underdog

On the newsstands in May 1938, browsers had their choice of Tarzan in Comics on Parade, Popeye in King Comics, daredevil aviator Captai...

Tuesday, October 10, 2000

October 1960: All Those Small Supermen

It’s a swarm of bees! It’s a cloud of wasps! No, it’s a hundred tiny Supermen!

The Mort Weisinger-edited Silver Age Superman mythos reached its zenith when the Superman Emergency Squad was introduced in 1960.

We’d already seen the arrival of Brainiac, whose shrinking ray gave us the Kryptonian bottled city of Kandor, to be stored in another recent innovation, Superman’s arctic Fortress of Solitude (shamelessly lifted from the by-then-defunct Doc Savage).

Krypto the Superdog had arrived even earlier, and Supergirl more recently. Her own expanding mythos would give us Streaky the Supercat and Comet the Superhorse. 

Lori Lemaris, Superman’s lost collegiate love, was on hand if we happened to need telepathic assistance from a mermaid.

Kandor would in turn be a source of further mythic evolution for the Man of Tomorrow. Superman’s increasingly complex and useful robots were also stored there, as was another new element, the Phantom Zone projector.

The tiny city would become the urban bottlescape for Superman and Jimmy’s Batman-and-Robin adventures as Nightwing and Flamebird. And, in Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen 48 (Oct.-Nov. 1960), it would give us the Superman Emergency Squad, a silly team I loved.

In this Otto Binder story with art by Curt Swan, we met Superman’s tiny flying army from Kandor. After shoving their way out of the corked bottled, they swarmed to the rescue dressed in Superman costumes (which would actually make them uniforms, I suppose). 

Initially someone insisted that they should all look like Superman too, which seems a bit fetishistic even for Silver Age comic books.

They returned in The War Between Supergirl and the Superman Emergency Squad (Action Comics 276, May 1961), a tale penned by Robert Bernstein and drawn by Wayne Boring. The “war” was staged so Superman could gaslight a criminal into thinking himself delusional as a means of shielding Superman’s exposed secret identity.


  1. Melody Ivins wrote:
    I had completely forgotten Lori Lemaris! Not to mention the horde of tiny Supermen.
    This is why in 1965 my comics-loving older sibs and I held a solemn council and switched to Marvel: DC was just too silly for us at ages 10, 12, and 14. If we wanted ridiculous, there was MAD Magazine, which was silly on purpose, and smart.

  2. Bob Doncaster wrote:
    The squad was always there if Supes needed a small favor.

  3. Bruce Kanin wrote:
    Who’d a thunk that the introduction of Brainiac would launch a huge source of new material via Kandor. Plus, it allowed Krypton to “live” even though the planet was long-gone.
    All that, plus the Phantom Zone probably led to scores more stories in multiple books.
    Great stuff!
